
Well, look at you! I am so glad you are here inquiring about this exciting opportunity.  THE HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET ACADEMY was developed to give you the opportunity to work alongside your peers in a supportive and exciting environment so that you can actualize the life you have always wanted while being supported by me through the process!

A little about my past...I grew up in a broken home, barely made it through high school (1.448 GPA), was once diagnosed as being Bipolar (they wanted to put me on LITHIUM) and I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and placed on a strong medication called PAXIL. I dealt with many broken relationships and heart breaks.. At one point, I lost a great paying job, my home and my confidence. If it weren't for my moms couch and my friends basement, I would have literally been homeless.  I hit many bottoms but I didn't let my situations own me! I took over and here I am wanting to give back the things I've learned along the way.

So, a little more about this 12-week (Private Facebook Group) ACADEMY... I built it specifically for you...to join a community of active peers, and myself, helping each other grow and develop like never before. 

Let me ask you a few questions...

  • What would it be worth to have the ability to remove your limitations so that you can live freely and happily?
  • What would it be worth to stop "going it alone" and work with like minded peers in a confidential environment?
  • What would it be worth to finally apply for that position you have always wanted?
  • What would it be like to finally believe in yourself enough to ask that person out?
  • What would it be worth to being open to receive the love you very much deserve?
  • What would it be worth to have the confidence in yourself to start your own company?
  • Whatever you want, what would it be worth to be able to GET it?

Are you ready to shift into High GEAR?

What do you get with the ACADEMY?

  • A safe place to increase your confidence and self-awareness while removing self-doubt, negativity, anxiety and depression
  • A confidential (Secret Facebook Group) community of bad-asses like yourself
  • PDF copy of my #1 Best Seller “THE HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET”
  • Video’s and conversations to assist the application of proven tools within the book
  • Additional support to develop and master your mental skills from your peers and myself
  • Powerful and engaging connections with your peers and myself to help you along your journey
  • Q & A sessions throughout the week to discuss any topic you would like assistance with
  • The development of a HIGH PERFORMANCE MINDSET
  • Access to Additional Tools and worksheets
  • Online Coaching Access to Mindset Expert Craig Willard

What results should you expect?

Personal results will vary based upon your level of commitment to group engagement/support as well as your level of effort in completing the tools within the 12 week program.  With that said, you may see results such as a massively increased level of self-confidence and value, a strong positive mindset that generates a happier perspective of your life, a significant reduction in your stress, anxious and depressive thoughts as well.  You will learn how your mind works thus you will become empowered to control it.  When you control your mind, you control your destiny.  The world truly is your oyster, its time to destroy your obstacles and barriers and generate a plethora of OPPORTUNITY!  


The cost is simple; it is 10 dollars for the whole 12 weeks.  Why 10 Dollars?  I want you to have, at least, some level of investment to improve the likelihood of you engaging.  This academy will not work for you, if you don't.  The 10 dollars actually covers the cost of the e-book (same price on Amazon), I am giving you my time absolutely free.

After you Complete the I'M IN Process above, click on the link below and request access to the group.  Access will not be approved until January 1st 2018.

Disclaimer: By joining this group, you agree to the following

  • not share any content from within the group to others without explicit permission from Craig Willard.
  • You agree to keep this a confidential group and must stay that way in order to allow people to freely discuss things.
  • You agree that you will be kind, open and considerate of others while helping each other grow and develop.
  • You agree to be a production member of the group. 
  • You agree to not solicit any personal business from the group during the 12 week program.
  • Rules will be posted within the group and will me adjusted as needed
  • Any violations could results in removal from the group and forfeiting your fee!