Have you ever noticed that aha moments seem to come at the strangest times? I was in the shower yesterday and it hit me. We are screwing love up!
“In my 20s, I discovered another challenge that, at the time, appeared to hold me back. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. When you’re anxious, you can’t perform at your full potential. Anxiety was tough. It created a lot of problems in my life—or so I thought. I was put on a very strong prescription medication (PAXIL) to help me cope with the anxiety.
First Chapter - The High Performance Mindset
What my life taught me about being a Parent
Many years ago, I was eating hibachi with a friend. There was a family of four sitting at our table including two sons, one of which was close to graduating high school. We started talking while waiting on our food. At some point, the father asked my friend and I what we did for a living. I told him I worked for a hospital managing an IT department.
Why you choose the partners you do and what it is teaching you
What you need to know before dating a single father
Merry Christmas, gift to you
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Life is never short on lessons
Are there really Generational gaps?
The great debate about generational gaps are still taking place today. A simple google search presents hundreds of thousands of results about how we should “categorize” people based upon their age. Beliefs are a funny phenomenon. When we do not have a belief about something, we will likely accept anything that seems to fit. Even when it might not fit exactly right.